Professor María del Carmen Triana

Professor - Organization Studies

Cal Turner Chair in Moral Leadership

Owen Graduate School of Management

Vanderbilt University


PhD, Texas A&M University

MBA, University of Arizona

BBA, University of Texas at Austin

Research Interests

Mary Triana's research interests include workplace diversity and discrimination, organizational justice, and strategic leadership.


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Triana, M., Richard, O., Byun, S-Y., Park, K., Delgado, D. M., Delgado, J. In press. Lessons in human resources risk management from leader responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: The interactive effect of leader gender and country collectivistic culture on COVID-19 deaths. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: An International Journal. article PDF

Flores, G., Garcia, F., Nguyen, H., Triana, M., Choirat, C. In press. The Only Daughters Effect: Examining the Relationship between Child Gender and a CEO’s Hiring Decisions. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: An International Journal. article PDF

Jahantab, F., García, F., Triana, M. In press. When and how does social curiosity trait lead to interpersonal citizenship behaviors? Personality and Individual Differences. article PDF

Wu, J., Richard, O., Triana, M., Yu, L. In press. The impact of CEO succession involving a change of gender on strategic change: The moderating role of environmental factors. Journal of Management Studies. article PDF

Triana, M., Song, R., Um, T., Huang, L. (2024). Stereotypical perception in management: Role congruity theory review and expansion. Journal of Management, 50, 188-215. article PDF

Blount, I., Triana, M., Richard, O., Li, M. (2023). How women CEOs’ financial knowledge and firm homophily affect performance. Journal of Business Research, 155, 113459. article PDF

Koch, I., Kaibel, C., Biemann, T., Triana, M. (2023). </Click to Begin Your Digital Interview>: Applicants’ experiences with discrimination explain their reactions to algorithms in personnel selection. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 31, 252-266. article PDF

Richard, O., Triana, M., Stewart, M. (2022). Store leader gender and store sales performance: When and why do women and men underperform? Human Resource Management, 61, 623-641. article

Richard, O.,* Triana, M.* (*equal authors), M., Yücel, I., Li, M., Pinkham, B. (2022). The impact of supervisor-subordinate incongruence in power distance orientation on subordinate job strain and subsequent job performance. Journal of Business and Psychology, 37, 31-45. article

Wu, J., Richard, O., Triana, M., Zhang, X. (2022). The performance impact of gender diversity in the top management team and board of directors: A multiteam systems approach. Human Resource Management, 61, 157-180. article

Richard, O., Triana, M., Li, M. (2021). The effects of racial diversity congruence between senior management and middle management on firm performance. Academy of Management Journal, 64, 1355-1382. article

Triana, M., Kim, K., Byun, S-Y, Delgado, D., Arthur, W. (2021). Team deep-level diversity and team performance: A meta-analysis of mediating mechanisms. Journal of Management Studies, 58, 2137-2179. article

Wu, J., Triana, M., Richard, O., Yu, L. (2021). Gender faultline strength on boards of directors and strategic change: Testing important moderating conditions. Group & Organization Management, 46, 564-601. article

Triana, M., Gu, P., Chapa, O., Richard, O., Colella, A. (2021). Diversity and discrimination research in HRM: A review of 60 years of research. Human Resource Management, 60, 145-204. article

Li, M., Triana, M., Byun, S-Y., Chapa, O. (2021). Pay for beauty? A contingent perspective of CEO facial attractiveness on CEO compensation. Human Resource Management 60, 843-862. article

Upadhyay, A., Triana, M. (2021) Drivers of diversity on boards of directors: The impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Human Resource Management, 60, 517-534. article

Chapa, O., Triana, M., Gu, P. (2020). Relying on second opinions for potentially racist encounters. Equality, diversity and inclusion: An international journal, 39, 219-234.

Trzebiatowski, T., Triana, M. (2020). Family responsibility discrimination, power distance, and emotional exhaustion: When and why are there gender differences in work-life conflict? Journal of Business Ethics, 162, 15–29. article

Rabl, T., Triana, M., Byun, S-Y, Bosch, L. (2020). Diversity management efforts as an ethical responsibility: How employees’ perceptions of an organizational integration and learning approach to diversity affect employee behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 161, 531–550. article

Triana, M.*, Richard, O.* (*equal authors), Su, W. (2019) Gender diversity in senior management, strategic change, and firm performance: Examining the mediating nature of strategic change in high tech industries. Research Policy, 48, 1681-1693. article

Triana, M., Jayasinghe, M., Pieper, J, Delgado, D., Li, M. (2019) Perceived Workplace Gender Discrimination and Employee Consequences: A Meta-Analysis and Complementary Studies Considering Country Context. Journal of Management, 45, 2419-2447. article

Yang, T., Triana, M. (2019) Set up to fail: Explaining when women-led businesses are more likely to fail. Journal of Management, 45, 926-954. article PDF

Patel, P., Li, M., Triana, M., Park, H. (2018) Pay dispersion among the top management team and outside directors: Its impact on firm risk and firm performance. Human Resource Management. article PDF

Triana, M., Richard, O., Yucel, I. (2017) Status incongruence and supervisor gender as moderators of the transformational leadership to subordinate affective organizational commitment relationship. Personnel Psychology, 70, 429-467. article PDF

Triana, M., Trzebiatowski, T., Byun, S-Y. (2017) Lowering the threshold for feeling mistreated: Perceived overqualification moderates the effects of perceived age discrimination on job withdrawal and somatic symptoms. Human Resource Management, 56, 979-994. article PDF

Kim, K., Triana, M., Chung, K., Oh, N. (2016). When do employees cyberloaf? An interactionist perspective examining personality, justice, and empowerment. Human Resource Management, 55, 1041-1058. article PDF

Triana, M., Jayasinghe, M., Pieper, J. (2015) Workplace race discrimination and its outcomes: A meta-analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36, 491-513. article PDF

Wagstaff, M. F., Colella, A., Triana, M., Smith, A., Watkins, M. (2015) Subordinates’ perceptions of supervisor paternalism: A scale development and validation. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30, 659-674. article PDF

Wagstaff, M. F., Triana, M., Kim, S., Al-Riyami, S. (2015) Responses to discrimination: Relationships between social support seeking, core self-evaluations, and job withdrawal behaviors. Human Resource Management, 54, 673-687. article PDF

Watkins, M., Ren, R., Umphress, E., Boswell, W., Triana, M., Zardkoohi, A. (2015) Compassion organizing: Employees’ satisfaction with corporate philanthropic disaster response and reduced job strain. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 88, 436-458. article PDF

Chapa, O., Triana, M. (2015) Do ethnicity and occupational status interact to influence anxiety? An investigation of anxiety in emergency responders.International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26, 1694-1711. article PDF

Triana, M., Miller, T. (equal authors), Trzebiatowski, T. (2014) The double-edged nature of board gender diversity: Diversity, firm performance, and the power of women directors as predictors of strategic change. Organization Science, 25, 609-632. article PDF

Rabl, T., Triana, M. (2014) Organizational value for age diversity and potential applicants’ organizational attraction: Individual attitudes matter. Journal of Business Ethics, 121, 403-417. article PDF

Rabl, T., Triana, M. (2013) How German employees of different ages conserve resources: Perceived age discrimination and affective organizational commitment. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24, 3599-3612. article PDF

Triana, M., Porter, C. O. L. H., DeGrassi, S. W., Bergman, M. E. (2013) We're all in this together, except for you: The effects of workload, performance feedback, and racial distance on helping behavior in teams. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34, 1124-1144. article PDF

Wagstaff, M. F., Triana, M., Peters, A., Salazar, D. (2013) Reactions to allegations of discrimination. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 28, 74-91. article PDF

Triana, M., Wagstaff, M. F., Kim, K. (2012) That’s not fair! How personal value for diversity influences reactions to the perceived discriminatory treatment of minorities. Journal of Business Ethics, 111, 211-218. article PDF

Watkins, M., Ren, R., Boswell, W., Umphress, E., Triana, M., Zardkoohi, A. (2012) Your work is interfering with our life! The influence of a significant other on employee job search activity. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 85, 531-538. article PDF

Boswell, W., Watkins, M., Triana, M., Zardkoohi, A., Ren, R., Umphress, E. (2012) Second-class citizen? Contract workers’ perceived status, dual commitment, and intent to quit. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80, 454-463. article PDF

Triana, M., Kirkman, B., Wagstaff, M. F. (2012) Does the order of face-to-face and computer-mediated communication matter in diverse project teams? An investigation of communication order effects on minority inclusion and participation. Journal of Business and Psychology, 27, 57-70. article PDF

Triana, M., Kim, K., García, F. (2011) To help or not to help? Personal value for diversity moderates the relationship between discrimination against minorities and citizenship behavior toward minorities, 102, 333-342. Journal of Business Ethics. article PDF

Triana, M. (2011) A woman’s place and a man’s duty: How gender role incongruence in one's family life can result in home-related spillover discrimination at work. Journal of Business and Psychology, 26, 71-86. article PDF

Triana, M., García, M. F., Colella, A. (2010) Managing diversity: How organizational efforts to support diversity enhance affective commitment and reduce turnover intent for employees who experience discrimination at work. Personnel Psychology, 63, 817-843. article PDF

Zimmerman, R., Triana, M., Barrick, M. (2010) The criterion-related validity of a structured letter using multiple raters and multiple performance criteria. Human Performance, 23, 361-378. article PDF

García, M. F., Triana, M., Peters, A., Sanchez, M. C. (2009) Self-Enhancement in a Job Search Context. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 17, 290-299. article PDF

Triana, M., García, M. F. (2009) Valuing diversity: A group-value approach to understanding the importance of organizational efforts to support diversity. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 30, 941-962. article PDF

Miller, T., Triana, M. (2009) Demographic diversity in the boardroom: Mediators of the board diversity-firm performance relationship. Journal of Management Studies, 46, 755-786. article PDF

Umphress, E., Simmons, A., Boswell, W., Triana, M. (2008) Managing discrimination in selection: The impact of directives from an authority and social dominance orientation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, 982-993. article PDF

Paetzold, R., García, M. F., Colella, A., Ren, R., Triana, M., Ziebro, M. (2008). Perceptions of people with disabilities: When is “reasonable” accommodation fair? Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 30, 27-35. article PDF


Triana, M. (2017). Managing Diversity in Organizations: A Global Perspective. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group: New York, NY.

Hitt, M., Miller, C., Colella, A., Triana, M. (2018). Organizational Behavior. 5th Ed. John Wiley & Sons: Hoboken, NJ.

Edited Book Chapters

Triana, M., Trzebiatowski, T. (equal authors), Byun, S. (2018) Indvidual outcomes of discrimination in workplaces. In A. Colella and E. King (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Workplace Discrimination. Chapter 20, 315-328. Oxford University Press: New York, NY. chapter PDF

Triana, M., Pieper, J., Jayasinghe, M., Delgado, D. (2012) Racial/Ethnic Discrimination in U.S. Workplaces. In M. Paludi (Ed.), Women and Careers in Management Series. Vol. 1: Gender, Race, Sexual Orientation, Ethnicity and Power. Chapter 1, 1-23. Praeger: Westport, CT. chapter PDF

Triana, M. & Garcia, M. (2010). Organizational efforts to support diversity. In M. Paludi (Ed.), Praeger handbook on understanding and preventing workplace discrimination. Vol. 2: Best practices for preventing and dealing with workplace discrimination. Chapter 12, 97-102. Praeger: Westport, CT. chapter PDF

Triana, M. (2009). Organizational Justice in Virtual Team Settings. In Torres, T., and Arias-Oliva, M. (Eds.) The Encyclopedia of Human Resources Information Systems: Challenges in e-HRM. Vol. 2, Chapter 101, 693-698. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. chapter PDF

Miller, T., Triana, M., Reutzel, C., Certo, T. (2007). Mediation in Strategic Management Research: Conceptual Beginnings, Current Application, and Future Recommendations. In Ketchen, D. J., and Bergh, D. D. (Eds.) Research Methodology in Strategy and Management . Vol 4., 295-318. JAI Press-Elsevier, Oxford, UK. chapter PDF

Professional Certifications

PMP (Project Management Professional)

SPHR (Senior Professional in Human Resources)

Courses Taught

Diversity in Organizations

Management of Teams

Personnel Selection

Organizational Behavior

Human Resources